
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Hi lovely viewers
i'm in Jakarta today ,really happy that i can borrow my uncle's computer and update my blog
i'm super happy because my fellow beauty blogger the beautiful Shinta from Shinta Laura Dewani's room nominated me and gave me very inspiring blogger award ,thanks you so much kak shinta <3
Actually your blog is more inspiring than mine but i really appreciate you can give me this award

Lovely awardddd omg super duper happy
okay so this is the rules :
  1. Link the person who nominated you
  2. List and display the rules (you can copy here)
  3. Share seven facts about yourself
  4. Nominate other blogs and let them know they have been nominated 
well i will share seven facts about myself first ^^
  1. I love baking ,who's with me? haha
  2. I really really hate insects ughhh sorry insect lovers
  3. My dream is to become a business woman 
  4. My favourite makeup isssssss *drum roll* mascaraaaa love itt
  5. I am lazy as hell ,my bedroom is messy *sorry readers i'll change my bad habit*
  6. I love chinese food especially noodles 
  7. I loveee reading comics/manga comics 
i am not a complicated person that's why my life is so simple 
and now i will nominate my fellow bloggers

  1. Anggie Lorita from Girl's mind
  2. Martalina from alleria make up artist
  3. Jessica Ie from i am food eater
  4. Dewie from My beauty Pinastika
  5. Lintang from Dreamcatcher
  6. Luci from Greatful beauty
  7. Hani from Simply beauty me
Thank you so much for reading 
Have a nice day

Warm Hugs,


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